How it works

Your highest-scoring event, where you were closest to the win, goes towards your team's ranking.
Some team mates may prefer or peak for specific climbs.
The rankings take account of each team's stand-out heroes across the entire series.

Most Successful Teams of 10

Macclesfield Wheelers
964.426 / 1000 Points

100000 Sophie Yarwood Round 7 of 17: Smith Lane
100000 Alexander Raynard Round 1 of 17: Buxton Old Road to Tegg's Nose Country Park
100000 Laurence Fryer-Taylor Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
100000 Bhima Bowden Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
100000 Alison Scrivener Round 17 of 17: Meg Lane, Hanging Gate, Plague Stone
98443 Thomas Bowers Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
93549 Matthew Larkins Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
92533 Thijs Geurts Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
91308 Ricki Ellison Round 7 of 17: Smith Lane
88593 James Scrivener Round 9 of 17: Barlow Hill

Most Successful Teams of 5

Macclesfield Wheelers
500.000 / 500 Points

100000 Sophie Yarwood Round 7 of 17: Smith Lane
100000 Alexander Raynard Round 1 of 17: Buxton Old Road to Tegg's Nose Country Park
100000 Laurence Fryer-Taylor Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
100000 Bhima Bowden Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
100000 Alison Scrivener Round 17 of 17: Meg Lane, Hanging Gate, Plague Stone
422.199 / 500 Points

91279 Ruby Blanc Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
87214 Patrick Green Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
87064 Ethan Haughton Round 9 of 17: Barlow Hill
83183 Red Johnson Round 8 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
73459 Tom Hassell Round 4 of 17: Blaze Hill
Station South Cycling Club
411.895 / 500 Points

87304 Peter O'Hare Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
86872 Rebecca Bowler Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
83512 Simon Ward Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
79432 Oliver Handley Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
74775 Richard Maclennan Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
Cheshire Maverick Cycle Club
401.388 / 500 Points

87714 Seb Hines Round 9 of 17: Barlow Hill
82422 Nick Gale Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
79176 Matthew Fuller Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
76133 Chris Sellars Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
75943 Nick Osborne Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
Manchester Triathlon Club
355.073 / 500 Points

81386 NIKOLAS HEINLOTH Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
79406 Euan Douglas Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
67190 Tom Elphick Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
65044 Matthew Evans-Smith Round 8 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
62047 Jacky Taylor Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield

Most Successful Teams of 3

Macclesfield Wheelers
300.000 / 300 Points

100000 Sophie Yarwood Round 7 of 17: Smith Lane
100000 Alexander Raynard Round 1 of 17: Buxton Old Road to Tegg's Nose Country Park
100000 Laurence Fryer-Taylor Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
265.557 / 300 Points

91279 Ruby Blanc Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
87214 Patrick Green Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
87064 Ethan Haughton Round 9 of 17: Barlow Hill
High Peak Cycles RT
261.738 / 300 Points

97414 Alice Larkin Round 12 of 17: Side End Lane, Windgather Rocks
84877 Matt Cosgrove Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
79447 Chris Donnelly Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
Manchester Wheelers
260.547 / 300 Points

98465 Jacob Bradbury Round 9 of 17: Barlow Hill
81952 Eddie Forster Round 14 of 17: Hollin Lane / Withenshaw Lane
80130 Joshua Bradbury Round 14 of 17: Hollin Lane / Withenshaw Lane
Station South Cycling Club
257.688 / 300 Points

87304 Peter O'Hare Round 2 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
86872 Rebecca Bowler Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
83512 Simon Ward Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
Chorlton Velo
252.123 / 300 Points

90473 Richard Woods Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
89010 Alex Barry Round 9 of 17: Barlow Hill
72640 Toby Loy Round 11 of 17: Pym Chair
Cheshire Maverick Cycle Club
249.312 / 300 Points

87714 Seb Hines Round 9 of 17: Barlow Hill
82422 Nick Gale Round 3 of 17: Bakestonedale Road (Brickworks)
79176 Matthew Fuller Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
Stockport Clarion CC
240.388 / 300 Points

92275 Paul Whittaker Round 8 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
78455 Geoff Burgess Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
69658 Justin Dowling Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
Manchester Triathlon Club
227.982 / 300 Points

81386 NIKOLAS HEINLOTH Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
79406 Euan Douglas Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
67190 Tom Elphick Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
Holmes Chapel Velo
215.632 / 300 Points

78540 Khaled Balabil Round 14 of 17: Hollin Lane / Withenshaw Lane
71212 Alistair McAdam Round 16 of 17: Cat & Fiddle from Macclesfield
65880 Simon Crump Round 14 of 17: Hollin Lane / Withenshaw Lane